On 05/05/2010 06:13 AM, Phil Pinkerton wrote:
> Robert Moskowitz wrote:
>> On 05/04/2010 04:51 PM, Phil Pinkerton wrote:
>>> The installation of Fedora-12 x86_64 was flawless ( great job folks 
>>> ). I install it on  my Acer Aspire 7520 ( nvidia 7000m ) that also 
>>> has a 22" AOC monitor attached.
>>> I was able to set up everything the way I liked it ... then I made a 
>>> big mistake I ran "yum update" then "yum upgrade" and after a 
>>> re-boot I lost the second display and also th display configuration 
>>> tool.  Too Bad as I really liked the original look and fonts. Now I 
>>> only have 1024x789Â  or less available for my laptop screen ( 
>>> normally 1400x900 ) and a fuzzy large font.
>> Try installing system-config-display and run that from a command line.
> No joy .... got the following error when running system-config-display 
> from the command line
>   # system-config-display
> Couldn't start X server on card 0
> Couldn't start X server with old config, trying with a fresh 
> configuration
> Couldn't start X server on card 0
> Error, failed to start X server.

I have zero experience with Nvidia, but is there a /etc/X11/xorg.conf 
file?  mv it and try restarting X.

> When I boot now I am left a flickering text screen no prompt so I am 
> forced to ctrl-alt F2 to get a prompt.
> Other *nix flavors allow the install of Nvidia drivers and the Nvidia 
> settings utility. Is that available on Fedora ?
> thanks
> Phil
>>> -- 
>>> " The fundamental principle here is that the justification for a 
>>> physical concept lies exclusively in its clear and unambiguous 
>>> relation to the facts that it can be experienced" Â  AE
>>> Please Feed and Educate the Children... it's the least any of us can 
>>> do.
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