On 05/05/2010 05:30 PM, D Wyatt wrote:
> The mobo in my P4 pc died last week so my P4 became a Core2 Duo.
> The new mobo only has one PATA channel but the PC has 3 IDE drives.
> I installed an ATA133 controller card (VIA vt6410) and connected
> it to the IDE dvd-burner.  The two IDE HD's are connected to the
> single IDE channel on the mobo.
> This is a multi-boot pc with fc7, fc11 and WinXP, and I could
> still boot into fc11 and XP after the hardware replacement.
> When I boot into XP, the DVD burner attached to the VIA
> controller is fully functional.
> But when booted into fc11, the dvd drive can't be seen.  The
> pata_via driver seems to be loaded and entries in dmesg suggest
> that the VIA controller is recognized.  Device Manager in KDE
> shows:
>     PCI Bridge                {82801 PCI Bridge - Intel}
>       RAID Controller         {VT6410 ATA133 - VIA Technologies}
>         SCSI Host Adapter
>         SCSI Host Adapter
> lspci lists the controller:
>   04:01.0 RAID bus controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT6410 ATA133
>          RAID controller (rev 06)
> I've upgraded from fc11 to fc12 (32-bit) and the kernel is now
>  The DVD burner remains invisible.
> Can anyone suggest a path to getting the DVD burner working in
> Fedora with this controller card?
> Regards and thanks in advance for any help you can offer
The first thing I would check is to see if the DVD burner was
detected as a new drive, and the /dev/cdrom /dev/dvd, etc are not
being created. Udev remembers the attached DVD drives, and probably
thinks that because the drive is on a new controller it is a new
drive. Check the /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-cd.rules file, and
see if it lists more then one CD/DVD device. If so, you can either
edit the file, or delete it and let it be re-created on the next boot.

As a quick check to see if the DVD drive is being seen by the
system, put a data disk in the drive and try, as root, to mount it.

mkdir /mnt/cd
mount /dev/sr0 /mnt/cd


  Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons,
for thou art crunchy and taste good with Ketchup!

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