At 09:57 on 10 May 2010, Alan Evans wrote:
> On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 9:50 AM, Mark Knoop <> wrote:
> > At 09:09 on 10 May 2010, Alan Evans wrote:
> >> On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 9:07 AM, Jeff Voskamp
> >> <> wrote:
> >> >
> >> > Try
> >> > cd /media
> >> > ls -bl
> >> >
> >> > and send us the results.
> >>
> >> Ok:
> >>
> >> [a...@agena ~]$ cd /media
> >> [a...@agena media]$ ls -bl
> >> total 4
> >> drwx------. 1 alan alan 4096 2010-05-10 08:12 My\ Book
> >
> > Here is your answer. The directory name is "My\ Book", so you will
> > have to use:
> >
> > cd My\\\ Book
> >
> > (and you may want to do
> >
> > mv My\\\ Book My\ Book
> >
> > )
> You seem very confident! Better double-check your assumptions... (I
> always find it mildly humorous when people are cocksure while being
> totally wrong.)

OK, I made a mistake. Actually two mistakes, the second one being to try
to help an arrogant wanker.

Mark Knoop
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