On 05/12/2010 04:46 AM, Bruno Wolff III wrote:
> I was disappointed when I read through the Go / No Go meeting log tonight
> when I read that we would have to slip. Then I remembered the evidence of
> hard work I observed over the last couple of weeks and thought, that people
> are going to notice the slip and grumble about that and forget about the
> hard work a number of people put in trying to get a release we could be
> proud of out on the 18th.
> So I acknowledged some of that on the devel list.
> Then I thought about it some more and contrasted it to some of the mailing
> list issues with people making mostly negative comments when something goes
> wrong or when people had disagreements. And what I thought is that we don't
> do enough calling each other out for going above and beyond (either as
> a volunteer or a even a Redhat employee).
> I think partly is that we expect people to do a good job on Fedora and even
> most of the people who participate are self motiviated or they wouldn't
> be here. Still, I think being publically acknowledged by your peers for
> doing something good is something that almost everyone appreciates.
> I wasn't sure where to post this, as a lot of the people who should see this
> probably don't read the users list. But I didn't want to put this on just
> the devel list or the test lists, because I really think it is something
> that should be done more by all teams. So I went with users and hope that
> things will perculate back to various teams.
> I think Paul is pretty good about doing this, but I think relying on the FPL
> to do it all requires that he know about it and puts an extra burden on him.
> I think this is something we all should be doing.
> So when you see someone put in extra effort that affects you positively,
> please consider thanking the person publically.
> Some recent examples I have noticed:
> Mike McGrath promptly dealt with an outage on a weekend a week or so ago.
> I assume that Mike has a life and had to stop something he was doing that
> was either fun or needed to be done in order to deal with getting koji/bodhi
> working again.
> Jesse Keating worked hard building RC images and spins this last week in
> the run up to today's go / no go meeting. He ended up dealing with at least
> a few things he really shouldn't have had to, but took care of them.
> The testing / QA teams. It looked to me like the testing and QA folks
> were working hard to figure out the causes of blocker bugs, get them fixed
> and then tested. I don't know their names, but maybe Adam would like to
> single some of them out for recognition?

IMHO a delayed release is better than a flawed one. So I heartily agree
that Fedora users should be grateful to all those whose hard work makes
each new release possible.

As a KDE user I'd also like to express my appreciation of all the people
whose hard work maintains my faith in KDE, even with the problems of the
initial KDE 4 release.

Finally, I must express my appreciation of all the people who maintain
and develop Linux and associated applications, the basis of the Fedora
Linux releases.

I moved to using Fedora Linux at home about 7 years ago, and I can
testify that it has improved in that time. From initial installation to
installing/updating applications, and ease of use, it's a story of many
improvements, and at least one happy user.

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