On 5/14/2010 11:40 AM, Chun Tat David Chu wrote:
> We use 389 Directory as part of our development lab.  Every time when 
> we do a new test, we need to repopulate our 389 directory to a clean 
> slate (i.e. delete all existing data and re-create a base hierarchy 
> tree).
> Our current way of doing so is simply using the ldapdelete command to 
> remove all existing data and use ldapadd to re-create the base 
> hierarchy tree.  This approach is okay but sometime it could take up 
> to 20 to 30 minutes to delete all existing data depending on the 
> amount of data saved in the directory.
> Is there a more efficient way to repopulate the 389 Directory?

Yes. Import an almost empty LDIF file. You can also copy the on-disk 
database underneath a server (when it is shut down), if you know what 
you're doing.

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