Gary Stainburn wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I've got a PC with 5x500GB HDD's running software raid.  On drive 0 and 1 I 
> had RAID0 for the boot partition and then on all 5 drives I had RAID 5 for 
> everything else.
> One of the first two drives has died causing the PC to hang, and then when I 
> rebooted it couldn't get past GRUB.  I have found out which drive it is and 
> disconnected it. It then got past GRUB, loaded the kernel which then paniced 
> and hung.

It boots after removing the first disk because the second one shifts
in first position from the poiint of view of the BIOS and your boot
is RAID1 (as you corrected yourself in another post).
The panic is probably a "can't find root filesystem" problem.

> I have tried booting using a FC11 install DVD (I believe the dead PC is 
> either 
> FC9 or FC10) and going into rescue mode but it says that there are no Linux 
> partitions and doesn't go any further.

The install DVD is not really smart when coping with (degraded) RAID arrays.
Proceed manually.

> Going into fdisk for each drive (with the dead one still disconnected) shows 
> the partition tables.

That is the important part.
So the data is there.
Are your partition of type fd (RAID autodetection)? In that case the RAID5
should auto assemble itself on boot.
If this is not happening, try to see if the kernel attempted the operation
or not by looking the dmesg output.

> in theory, this system should still be bootable, can anyone suggest things to 
> try to get it working again.

You have to assemble the RAID manually, as it has already been suggested
to you.
To better understand the situation, please post the output of
  fdisk -l /dev/sd{a,b,c,d,e}
  mdadm -E /dev/sd{a,b,c,d,e}{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}
or similar commands.

   Roberto Ragusa    mail at
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