> Hi Steven,
> On Fri, May 28, 2010 at 16:59, Steven P. Ulrick
> <lists-fed...@afolkey2.net>wrote:
> > Hello Everyone,
> > If the output of "/sbin/lspci | grep VGA" is:
> > 03:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G94 [GeForce 9600 GT]
> > (rev
> > a1)
> >
> > are the correct instructions for installing the proprietary NVidia driver
> > still
> > located here:
> > http://fedorasolved.org/video-solutions/nvidia-yum-kmod
> >
> > I have tried the above referenced instructions a couple of times, with the
> > same,
> > bad results...  I am now going to try again, paying special attention to
> > the
> > "Troubleshooting" section...  With this exact system, I have been so used
> > to
> > everything working (up until I installed Fedora 13) that I have never even
> > had
> > to look at the troubleshooting  steps for these instructions before.
> >
> > I will get back to you with whatever happens.
> >
> I have a 9800 GT, and all I had to do for F13 was enable rpmfusion repo and
> install kmod-nvidia; after that Nvidia driver was already used on the next
> boot, but it didn't recognize my dual-head setup (which was expected). I
> tried using nvidia-settings (as root) to configure dual-head, but I had some
> trouble setting it exactly the way I wanted; then I just replaced
> /etc/X11/xorg.conf with the one from my F12 /etc backup and that was it.
Well, I have one of those :)  I think I will try all of this over AGAIN :)

> Much easier than with F12 =)
You had a hard time getting this to work with F12?  For me, on this same 
it "Just Worked." 

Steven P. Ulrick
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