
Thanks very much again!!
> Try this:
> > $ sudo dnf install fuse-afp
> > $ mount_afp 
> > Usage:
> >      mount_afp [-o volpass=password] <afp url> <mountpoint>

The university has AFS space for me provided at /afs/zzzzz.edu/users/xx/yy/me 

where zzzzz.edy is the university domain name and the xx and yy are digits 
which have my directory (me). 

I tried the following:

mount_afp -o volpass=password  /afs/zzzzz.edu/users/xx/yy/me  /mnt/afs 

but I get 

Could not parse URL

How should this URL be parsed? 

I tried:


but got nowhere (same error message). 

Is there an example I could follow?

Many thanks,

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