
After I installed Bluefish, i am not able to display tthe code that I am
typing, when I use the button "preview in browser".

I am using Firefox (as web browser) and I understood that I need to
configure the option "external commands" : (menu edit =--> preferences =-->
"external commands").

But I don't know what is the correct value to put inside it.

The default value for "external command"  (firefox -remote 'openURL(%p)' ||
firefox '%p'&) give me the error :
Failed to create a command for firefox -remote 'openURL(%p)' || firefox

And after this, following some suggestion, I changed the value to :
firefox  '%s'

With this value firefox browser is opened  at pg http://www.%s.com/
but instead to see the content of the html, that I typed,  I see the error
Server not found

I am not able to know what still I can to do ...

any suggestion will be appreciated

Thenk you

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