On 11/30/2015 04:49 PM, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
You could:
 mv "$file" "$file-$(stat -c %y "$file")"

Not quite as the script:

for i in `seq 20 42`;
         file="Voice "0${i}.m4a
         mv $file "$file-$(stat -c %y "$file")"

is producing:

mv: target ‘Voice 036.m4a-2015-05-07 06:51:59.000000000 -0400’ is not a

That's why I quoted "$file" in both instances.

Your file name has a space in it, so the command you ran is:

"mv" "Voice" "036.m4a" "Voice 036.m4a-2015-05-07 06:51:59.000000000 -0400"

And since "mv" got 3 arguments, it requires that the last one is a directory.

If you had quoted "$file" after mv, it should have worked properly.
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