On Tue, 2015-12-08 at 17:35 +0100, Michael Schwendt wrote:
> On Tue, 8 Dec 2015 11:25:26 -0500, Mark Haney wrote:
> > I had a similar problem and I think I had to install the x264
> > libraries to
> > make it work, but I'm not certain what I did to get it working on
> > my F23
> > system.
> The package description for that says it's an "encoder", not a
> decoder.


> > On Tue, Dec 8, 2015 at 11:19 AM, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> > 
> > > Codec not supported:
> > > VLC could not decode the format "h264" (H264 - MPEG-4 AVC (part
> > > 10))
> > > 
> > > Usually the audio track is supported and plays, but no picture.
> > > 
> > > No doubt the answer is going to be "install gstreamer-ugly-
> > > whatever"
> > > from RPMfusion,
> VLC doesn't even use GStreamer, afaik.

True. I mentioned gstreamer as an example. VLC uses a bunch of other
libraries, but still doesn't work with MP4.

> > > gstreamer1-vaapi-0.6.1-1.fc23.x86_64
> > > gstreamer-plugins-base-0.10.36-13.fc23.i686
> > > 
> > > gstreamer1-1.6.1-1.fc23.i686
> This will become a growing problem for more users, too. What you show
> is a
> wild mix of packages for two independent GStreamer versions. The
> packages
> with prefix gstreamer1-* are for GStreamer v1.x, those with
> gstreamer-
> prefix are for the older GStreamer 0.10.x. Better check which version
> of GStreamer your audio/video players really need.

As I said, VLC doesn't need it, but doesn't work. In any case, I've
removed all the older gstreamer packages and nothing protested, so
presumably they were unneeded.

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