On 04/07/2016 04:50 PM, CLOSE Dave wrote:
I have five machines which were fresh-installed with F23 back in
February and all have been booted successfully a few times since. Today,
booting of all of them fails in exactly the same way: dracut says it
can't find the disk filesystems. The kernel boots as it should, and of
course that comes from the disk, but then dracut comes along and says it
can't find any of the filesystems. Not the root or home filesystems
which are on LVM or the boot filesystem on a primary disk partition.

Everything on the disk is ok. I've checked by booting Anaconda from a
thumb drive and mounting manually. Anaconda troubleshooting mode says it
can't find the filesystems either ("you have no Linux partitions"), but
running vgchange -ay and a few mounts gets a proper chroot image.

There must be something that is causing both dracut and Anaconda to fail
to find the filesystems. I've tried following the instructions on
<https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_debug_Dracut_problems>, but that
isn't helping:

dracut:/# parted /dev/sda -s p
sh: parted: command not found
dracut:/# lvm vgscan
File descriptor 98 (/dev/console) leaked on lvm invocation. Parent PID
2679: sh
File descriptor 99 (/dev/console) leaked on lvm invocation. Parent PID
2679: sh
    Reading all physical volumes. This may take a while...
dracut:/# lvm vgchange -ay
File descriptor 98 (/dev/console) leaked on lvm invocation. Parent PID
2679: sh
File descriptor 99 (/dev/console) leaked on lvm invocation. Parent PID
2679: sh
dracut:/# blkid

Note that when booted from the thumb drive, vgchange finds the LVM
volumes just fine.

Have you tried booting the previous kernel? It may be that the ramdisk
for the new kernel is missing the LVM stuff for some reason. If the old
kernel boots and finds things, bring it up and:

        dracut -f /boot/initramfs-<kernelversion>.fc23.x86_64.img 

where "<kernelversion>" is the desired (new) kernel version. Then try
the new kernel again. I've seen times where a new kernel install doesn't
build a correct initramfs image. Never sorted out why, but I've used the
above BFH on it and it seems to fix it (BFH = "big freaking hammer" for
those who were curious).
- Rick Stevens, Systems Engineer, AllDigital    ri...@alldigital.com -
- AIM/Skype: therps2        ICQ: 226437340           Yahoo: origrps2 -
-                                                                    -
-                   To err is human, to moo bovine.                  -
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