On 04/20/16 22:02, Angelo Moreschini wrote:
> rpm -qa | grep rpmfusion give me, now  :
> rpmfusion-free-release-22-1.noarch
> rpmfusion-nonfree-release-21-1.noarch
> (how as was to think)
> And, after I downloaded the free version, I have on the compter the file
> rpmfusion-free-release-21.noarch.rpm.
> _*Now*_ it is right to install this downoaded repository, with this command ?
> |yum install |rpmfusion-free-release-21.noarch.rpm ?

What version of Fedora are you running? 

AFAIK, the rpmfusion rpms will install the keys for the version noted in their 
names  The
keys will remain for the older version as you upgrade.  If you installed
rpmfusion-free-release-22 at some point but not rpmfusion-free-release-21 then 
the keys
for F22 will be present but not F1.

So, if you're running F21 I'd uninstall rpmfusion-free-release-22-1.noarch and 

In reality, some people should stick to running Windows and others should stay 
away from
computers altogether.
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