On 06/15/16 06:23, Rick Stevens wrote:

> One other thing. By default, PHP no longer permits "short open tags".
> So all PHP code must be prefixed with
>     <?php
>     php code goes here;
>     ?>
> If all you have is
>     <?
>     php code goes here;
>     ?>
> then you must have "short_open_tag = On" in your /etc/php.ini (or in one
> of the files in /etc/php.d). By default it's set to "Off". 

That didn't help.  But I found something "interesting"

If I remove index.php and directly access a URL like
http://localhost/index.php?action=contact I get "The requested URL /index.php 
was not
found on this server."  But if I copy index.php?action=contact to index-X.php 
and access
http://localhost/index-X.php it displays properly in the browser.

You're Welcome Zachary Quinto
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