My upgrade from Fedora 23 to 24 left me with a broken postgresql.

# /usr/libexec/postgresql-ctl start -D /db/pgsql/data -s -w -t 270
FATAL:  22023: database files are incompatible with server
DETAIL:  The data directory was initialized by PostgreSQL version 9.4,
which is not compatible with this version 9.5.3.
LOCATION:  ValidatePgVersion, miscinit.c:1364
pg_ctl: could not start server
Examine the log output.

<Note: my data are in /db/pgsql/data>

# postgresql-setup --upgrade

 * Upgrading database.
ERROR: pg_upgrade tool failed
ERROR: Upgrade failed.
 * See /var/lib/pgsql/upgrade_postgresql.log for detai

It seems I must install 9.4.8 alongside my current 9.5.3, then dump a
backup from 9.4.8 and restore with 9.5.3. Is it possible to install
9.4.8 ? I found 9.4.8 .rpm packages for Fedora 23. How can I install
them without touching anything to 9.5?

Is there any other solution to solve this initialisation issue?

Thank you for help in solving this postgresql issue.

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