Allegedly, on or about 02 September 2016, Rick Stevens sent:
> They really should drop Yahoo as well. I'm going to drop (well, do
> absolutely nothing with) my yahoo account since those yahoos (pun
> intended) decided to lobotomize their protocol so libpurple and such
> won't work with it any longer. You have to use THEIR client (which
> isn't available for Linux--only phones) or the web. Sheesh! 

I'd been seeing that warning message for a while, wondering when they
were going to do the dirty.  Looks like they finally killed it tonight.

I am so thoroughly sick of the greedy, short-sighted, attitude of the
various IM protocol developers.  With the deliberate inability for one
protocol to communicate to another, forcing us to run multiple clients
(to deal with all the different people that we communicate with), or
something like Pidgin that could manage multiple protocols.

Their own clients are user-hostile, with hideous interfaces and annoying
advertising, data-mining, ever-changing settings and features.  You
wouldn't want to run them if you had a choice.  I won't be running to
use Yahoo's client.  If it can't be made to run with Pidgin, it's going
to get dumped.

I used to like using Jabber, because I like the idea of it (an open
protocol, that's the opposite of trying to be "only use me, only I am
important"), but lack of servers (either far-from continuously reliable,
or long-lived) has been offputting over the years (and it's got worse).
To me, and the reason by few others (than true computer geeks) will use

I wonder if its feasible for there to be an officially supported Fedora
Jabber server (as opposed to someone's server running off their home PC,
which won't be up to the task, nor have a long-enough lifespan to be

I am sick of the ever-changing me-only IM schemes, MSN, Yahoo, ICQ,
Skype, etc., with their crapily programed Linux clients, if they even
exist.  It's long past time that IM was a general purpose protocol that
everything used, like email is.

Will they ever learn that proprietary communications protocols are a
shit idea?

[tim@localhost ~]$ uname -rsvp
Linux 3.9.10-100.fc17.x86_64 #1 SMP Sun Jul 14 01:31:27 UTC 2013 x86_64

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