Hi Yogesh,

On Tuesday 08 June 2010 11:14 AM, Yogesh wrote:
>> If you look carefully, I think the name of the service is fnfxd, not
>> fnfx. You can look at the service name if you do,
>> # chkconfig --list | grep fnfx
>> If my assertion is correct try this,
>> # chkconfig fnfxd off
> This one went well. This daemon is turned off now. But still the system does
> not start. It gets stuck at
> Starting atd     [OK]

That means atd started correctly. What is the next service it hangs on?

>> From the Interactive mode, I cannot see anything that has [FAILED] to start.
>> In interactive mode before the daemon tries to start, it prompts whether
>> you want to skip it. Just skip the daemon which hangs all the time. If
>> the above step goes well, this shouldn't be necessary.
> In the interactive mode, I hit "I" but it does not prompt me for anything.
> It just goes on on its own.

I went back and reviewed the thread, in an earlier message you wrote:

> I get a fail message for: *FnFx Daemon. Could not find
> /.../proc/toshiba/keys*

So is it possible your keys are not getting detected properly? I am not 
very familiar with laptop hardware. But something that you can do is, 
boot to runlevel 3. And check if things are working as expected.

To do this, follow my previous instructions (my msg from yesetrday) and 
instead of 1 use 3 as the kernel argument. This should take you to a 
text only login screen. Login as a regular user and for now you can 
start a gui with,

$ startx

If that works out, you can then figure out why things are not working 
out for the regular way of booting.

If you have trouble getting into runlevel 3, boot to runlevel 1 as 
before and post the output of the following:

# chkconfig --list

If the output is long, it would be preferable if you post it to some 
pastebin and post the link here.

> -Yogesh


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