Le 21/03/2017 16:41, Ed Greshko a écrit :
> On 03/21/17 23:19, François Patte wrote:


>> As I told in my message: using the graphical version of anaconda, you
>> have not the choice: either you ask for lvm, or you ask for raid
> Well. you are 100% WRONG in that regard. 
> I did use the graphical version of anaconda and I created RAID1 **AND**
> lvm exactly as you had requested.  So, sorry to burst your bubble.  
> Maybe you need to look more closely on the options available to you?

I read the installation guide....

On this page:


no mention on how to create  an lvm once your raid is created.

(funny: the example given is /usr, maybe an overdose of Jack Daniel's!)

On this page:

no mention on how to create a raid once your lvm is created...

BTW I think I have found how to do: when your lvm is created you click
on "modify" (I don't know if it is the right word on this button in the
English version) and you can access to a dropdown menu where ---
surprise! --- you can find RAID.

Two remarks:
1- It is illogical to me to create first lvm then to create the
underlaying device on which the lvm is created. When you do these
configuration "by hand" you first create the raid devices, then the vgm,
lvm etc. then the file systems.

2- Modifier (in French) means that you want to correct something wrong
you have done before not to add some options...

Moreover, as far as I have explored this "modify" feature, I cannot see,
on the anaconda page devoted to partitionning, that a RAID will be
created! I have to cross my fingers that the modification has been taken
into account.

François Patte
UFR de mathématiques et informatique
Laboratoire CNRS MAP5, UMR 8145
Université Paris Descartes
45, rue des Saints Pères
F-75270 Paris Cedex 06
Tél. +33 (0)1 8394 5849

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