Today I was doing a dnf update and had a few things being updated and new kernel installed.

Right when it was past cleanup messages and you are waiting for the complete message, I lost power and for some reason the system did a shutdown. Got that little active image Fedora shows during a shutdown.

The system restarted ok. How do I find out what the state is? What might still need to be done? When I grep for 'kernel' in /var/log/dnf.log I get:

Mar 30 12:38:22 SUBDEBUG drpm: spawned 19063: /usr/bin/applydeltarpm -a x86_64 /var/cache/dnf/updates-c4f1c95f64c2b794/packages/kernel-headers-4.9.13-101.fc24_4.9.17-100.fc24.x86_64.drpm /var/cache/dnf/updates-c4f1c95f64c2b794/packages/kernel-headers-4.9.17-100.fc24.x86_64.rpm

And the last install for kernel was:

Mar 30 12:38:03 DEBUG ---> Package kernel-modules.x86_64 4.9.9-100.fc24 will be erased
 kernel                          x86_64  4.9.17-100.fc24 updates    80 k
 kernel-core                     x86_64  4.9.17-100.fc24 updates    20 M
 kernel-debug-core               x86_64  4.9.17-100.fc24 updates    21 M
 kernel-debug-modules            x86_64  4.9.17-100.fc24 updates    23 M
 kernel-debug-modules-extra      x86_64  4.9.17-100.fc24 updates   2.3 M
 kernel-modules                  x86_64  4.9.17-100.fc24 updates    22 M
 kernel-headers                  x86_64  4.9.17-100.fc24 updates   1.1 M
 kernel                          x86_64  4.9.9-100.fc24 @updates    0
 kernel-core                     x86_64  4.9.9-100.fc24 @updates   53 M
 kernel-debug-core               x86_64  4.9.9-100.fc24 @updates   55 M
 kernel-debug-modules            x86_64  4.9.9-100.fc24 @updates   22 M
 kernel-debug-modules-extra      x86_64  4.9.9-100.fc24 @updates  2.1 M
 kernel-modules                  x86_64  4.9.9-100.fc24 @updates   22 M

How do I check this out?


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