See below

-----Original Message-----
From: Ed Greshko []
Sent: donderdag 6 april 2017 1:20
To: Community support for Fedora users
Subject: Re: Is there a way to stop ipv6 leakage without turning off ipv6?

On 04/06/17 06:57, Stephen Morris wrote:
> Hi Ed, just as a side issue to this, because my ISP (I don't know
> about my VPN provider) IPv6 at all for anything, I was setting IPv6 to
> 'ignore' via Networkmanager in KDE (Gnome doesn't seem to have the
> same options) but that was causing messages in the logs at boot time
> about IPv6 not being ready. How do we stop the network from attempting
> to activate IPv6 and then producing these messages when it has been
> turned off?

I decided to do a test and add ipv6.disable=1 to the kernel parameter on one of 
my VM's.  In the past, this was sufficient.  However, doing only this now 
results in selinux errors.  To avoid those you also need to add
"net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1" to /etc/sysctl.conf.

-----Original Message-----

Remember that V6 is some option you do NOT have the option to ignore. And that 
strange quirks could be solved by "net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1"
Some countries make haste implementing it, while others don't.

I was expecting that it would be countries like CN and CU where visitors would 
be confronted with an IPv6-only situation.
However, last February I found out that our appliance didn't work, because of 
IPv6-only. Here, in Europe, just some miles away in Belgium, Brussels.
So you better get your head out of the sand.


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