On 07/25/2017 02:04 PM, Cristian Sava wrote:
> Trying to update F26 systems:
> [root@localhost ~]# dnf update
> Waiting for process with pid 28949 to finish.
> ^CKeyboardInterrupt: Terminated.
> [root@localhost ~]# ps aux | grep dnf
> root      7724  0.0  0.0  10824   884 pts/0    S+   08:48   0:00 grep
> --color=auto dnf
> root     28949  0.0  0.5 391816 47264 ?        SNs  01:00   0:00
> /usr/libexec/system-python /usr/bin/dnf makecache timer
> [root@localhost ~]# killall dnf
> [root@localhost ~]# ps aux | grep dnf
> root      7734  0.0  0.0  10824   884 pts/0    S+   08:49   0:00 grep
> --color=auto dnf
> [root@localhost ~]# dnf update
> ...
> Complete!
> [root@localhost ~]# ps aux | grep dnf
> root      8099  0.0  0.0  10824   980 pts/0    R+   08:50   0:00 grep
> --color=auto dnf
> So the questions:
> 1) WHY DNF is active without asking?

It is active, but mostly doing nothing, due to a systemd setting. 

Had you not killed it, you would have seen something like this....

[egreshko@acer ~]$ systemctl status dnf-makecache.timer
● dnf-makecache.timer - dnf makecache timer
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/dnf-makecache.timer; enabled; vendor 
   Active: active (waiting) since Sun 2017-07-23 19:37:39 CST; 1 day 18h ago

Jul 23 19:37:39 acer.greshko.com systemd[1]: Started dnf makecache timer.

Basically, about once/hour dnf will check and will update its cache if needed.  
the man page for dnf and search for makecache for the details.

> 2) WHY DNF does not ever stop and must be killed to update the system?

You just happened to catch it in the middle of trying to update the cache.  Had 
simply waited a bit more your first dnf would have proceeded.

> That is seen on many F26 boxes (new installs or upgrades).
If you find yourself catching the update time too often for your liking you can
"systemctl disable dnf-makecache.timer".

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