On Mon, 2010-06-14 at 20:53 -0430, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> On Mon, 2010-06-14 at 19:05 -0600, linux guy wrote:
> > Everything was fine in F12.  Right now I have the following issues:
> > 
> > 1) Network Manager doesn't have an icon in my system tray.
> > 2) Firefox is a bit unstable from time to time.
> > 3) Evolution refuses to connect to the network connection for the
> > session.
> Sounds like NM isn't being started automatically by your session. You
> don't mention if you use KDE or Gnome. If KDE, you can put
> knetworkmanager (or nm-applet if you prefer) in Autostart, or just start
> it and save the session. For Gnome, I don't know.

For Gnome:

System --> Preferences --> Startup Applications

and add an entry for NM if it is not there (nm-applet --sm-disabled is
the command in my F13).

> If you configured the network outside NM, that's why Evo thinks it's not
> connected. This might also be affecting FF (both of these apps ask NM if
> the connection is up, and believe the answer it gives).
> The rule of thumb is: if you use NM, use it for everything. Don't try to
> mix and match. Specifically, make sure NM is controlling the interfaces
> you use.
> poc


Germán A. Racca
National Institute for Space Research (INPE)
São José dos Campos - SP - Brasil
http://gracca.tk - http://graccablog.tk

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