On 6 January 2018 at 21:39, Beartooth <bearto...@comcast.net> wrote:
>         Hmmm... I get
> [btth@localhost ~]$ rpm -qa |grep -i iridium
> iridium-browser-62.0-1.fc27.x86_64
> [btth@localhost ~]$ which iridium
> /usr/bin/which: no iridium in (/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/
> sbin:/usr/sbin:/home/btth/.local/bin:/home/btth/bin)
> [btth@localhost ~]$
> but I'm not clear what that tells me. Maybe that I did install it with
> dnf after all?? If it actually came out of the Fedora shop, that makes
> heavy odds the pestiferous code was in qutebrowser. Would it then be
> feasible to cleanse the malware out of that, and re-install it clean? It
> did seem like a nice little suite of code ....

It's saying that RPM knows about it, but it might not be from a
repository that DNF manages.  You can get into that situation when you
download and install an RPM manually from a non-repo source, so
perhaps you downloaded the Iridium browser RPM that way?  I checked
Koji, Fedora's build repository it doesn't seem to contain any
packages called iridium, so that seems likely.

If you want to uninstall Iridium you can do that with "rpm --erase
iridium-browser", at which point you could check your system is free
of the search hijacker then trying re-installing qutebrowser.  If
doing so messes up Firefox again at least you'll know where it
originated and can look into removing the extension or whatever it's
installing to hijaack the search bar.


The only person to have all his work done by Friday was Robinson Crusoe
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