On 01/28/18 07:57, Ed Greshko wrote:
> On 01/28/18 04:30, Samuel Sieb wrote:
>> On 01/27/2018 11:19 AM, Ed Greshko wrote:
>>> On 01/28/18 03:03, Antonio M wrote:
>>>> I have not clear how to convert many files at same time by ffmpeg or Vlc...
>>> It is only 03:20 here....  But something like
>>> for f in *.m4a; do ffmpeg -i "$f" "$f.mp3"; done
>>> could be done.
>> Close, but that will give you output files like filename.m4a.mp3.
>> for f in *.m4a; do ffmpeg -i "$f" "${f%.m4a}.mp3"; done 
> Hey, what to you want for 03:20?  :-) :-)
One may want to add "-loglevel quiet" to the ffmpeg command.  Or another level 
to see
less output. 

OK, not much better at 08:00 and no coffee.

A motto of mine is: When in doubt, try it out

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