On 02/24/18 22:03, bruce wrote:
> Hi.
> Have a bunch of files with the basic naming of:
> ztcloud_nfs_parseztaa_1__WGS_7500_001__parse.dat
> ztcloud_nfs_parseztaa_1__WGS_7500_002__parse.dat
> etc..
> I'd like to simply remove the 1st part ztcloud_nfs_parsezt from the
> files, renaming the files to the rest of the filename..
> Thought it should be simple using rename
> rename 's/ztcloud_nfs_parseztaa/aa/' zt*.dat
> However, this didn't work... so.. hmm..
> How would you guys solve this?
> SO has a bunch of different solns as well.

If I understand correctly you want 
renamed to aa_1__WGS_7500_001__parse.dat, etc?
And all the files follow the pattern with the same length?

If so, the simple script


for file in *dat

name=`echo $file | cut -c20-48`
mv $file $name

does it.

A motto of mine is: When in doubt, try it out

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