On Mon, 25 Jun 2018 09:45:27 +0930
Tim via users <users@lists.fedoraproject.org> wrote:

> Allegedly, on or about 24 June 2018, stan sent:
> > I've thought about buying one of those little fridges and putting
> > the system in it.  
> I remember seeing a page or two about people doing that, many years
> ago.  Though I can't recall what their success was like.
> I'd be concerned about moisture/condensation.

I'll have to look for those pages.  I think condensation isn't an issue
because there would be nothing to give off moisture, and the cool dry
air is dehydrating.  Leave a carrot out in the fridge for a few days
without any wrapping and it will start to become dried vegetable.  The
condensation occurs because of warming and cooling when vegetables are
wrapped in plastic.  The vegetables give up their moisture, and the
plastic is cooler than the vegetables because the fridge is blowing
cold air over it, so the water condenses.
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