Patrick Bartek wrote:

> You don't need multiple swaps: Linux can share one without problems.

and what happens if an active linux is put into suspend/sleep and system
is rebooted?

> A shared /boot partition is possible, too.

possible, but not practical if grubs are for different distribs that are
using different stages.

also, when you chain, you have to select what you want from each grub prompt.

> However, I would not share any others, and that includes /home.

/home can be shared, if care is taken for login directory names and user id's.

> The best way to boot multiple Linuxes is to have grub of your primary

too long to reply to all. see my post of 01:38 utc.

> This is the way I have my box set up, which at the moment only has Fedora 
> 12 and 9 installed, but at one time, I had about 6 Linux distros on it.

i do not say that there is a lot wrong with what you are doing, but there
are better ways.


peace out.



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