Thank-you, Tim.

> ... Look them all up on Wikipedia, if you want mostly understandable
> explanations of each of them.
I used to think Wikipedia is great. Lately, my opinion of it is declining. It's not always authoritative, it's not very stable (article contents change too much, too often), and other faults. I'm almost certain I'm not the only member of this list with this view.

> Normal password is the common plain-text/unencrypted username and
> password logon scheme as used with POP/IMAP for many years.
> ...
No mention was made of OAuth2. Wikipedia did not tell me enough about it. Is it likely to be available for logging in to yahoo, gmail, and the other common free commercial e-mail services? If yes, what are its advantages, disadvantages, and risks relative to Normal password, which is what I'm using now?
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