George N. White III wrote on 26-NOV-2019 14:26:34.37

>On Tue, 26 Nov 2019 at 08:36, Jouk Jansen <>
>> Hi All,
>> I'm trying to setup an ssh-server on F31 which logs a user in without a
>> Question : why does is work with just running "/usr/sbin/sshd" but not wi=
>> "systemctl start sshd" ?
>When your root ran /usr/sbin/sshd was the very long list of options used
>when sshd is started by systemd included?  I see:
>$ sudo systemctl status sshd |fold
>=E2=97=8F sshd.service - OpenSSH server daemon
>   [...]
>   CGroup: /system.slice/sshd.service
>           =E2=94=94=E2=94=80994 /usr/sbin/sshd -D -oCiphers=3Daes256-gcm@o=

On my machine I only get 
            <number> /usr/sbin/sshd -D


Pax, vel iniusta, utilior est quam iustissimum bellum.
    (free after Marcus Tullius Cicero (106 b.Chr.-46 b.Chr.)
     Epistularum ad Atticum

               Touch not the cat bot a glove


  Jouk Jansen

  Technische Universiteit Delft        tttttttttt  uu     uu  ddddddd
  Kavli Institute of Nanoscience       tttttttttt  uu     uu  dd    dd
  Nationaal centrum voor HREM              tt      uu     uu  dd     dd
  Lorentzweg 1                             tt      uu     uu  dd     dd
  2628 CJ Delft                            tt      uu     uu  dd     dd
  Nederland                                tt      uu     uu  dd    dd
  tel. 31-15-2782272                       tt       uuuuuuu   ddddddd

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