On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 3:28 PM, Daniel Maher
> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am trying to get system groups working on 389-ds via the addition of
> "posixGroup" as a value for a given LDAP group.
> Numerous posts in the archives, as well as on other forums, seem to
> indicate that it should be a relatively straightforward affair.  Here's
> what i've tried via the console :
> 1. Creation of OU "systemgroups"
> 2. Creation of group "admin"
> 3. In advanced properties of group "admin", Object Class -> Add value ->
> posixGroup
> 4. OK
> However, this error appears in the log :
> [02/Jul/2010:09:43:03 +0000] - Entry
> "cn=admin,ou=systemgroups,dc=domain,dc=net" -- attribute "uidNumber" not
> allowed
> I am sure i have just missed something small, like the activation of a
> plugin, or the integration of a particular schema.  I can create users
> with associated posix data (uid, gid, homedir, etc...), so at least that
> works. :)
> Any help, or a push in the correct direction, would be greatly
> appreciated.  Thank you, all.
> --
> Daniel Maher <dma + 389users AT witbe DOT net>
> --
> 389 users mailing list
> 389-us...@lists.fedoraproject.org
> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/389-users


Are you adding the group through console or through command line ?

Have you tried adding through console too ?

if you are adding through ldif file, check if you added uidNumber attribute,
as this attribute is not part of PosixGroup objectclass.

the ldif file should have below entries.

dn: cn=admin,ou=systemgroups,dc=example,dc=com
gidNumber: 1054
objectClass: top
objectClass: groupofuniquenames
objectClass: posixgroup
cn: admin

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