On Tue, 2010-07-06 at 06:20 -0700, Mick M. wrote:
> Hi;
>  Kernel  x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 
> [r...@localhost ~]# rpm -qa VirtualBox*
> VirtualBox-3.2-3.2.6_63112_fedora13-1.x86_64
> This is the Oracle version, same for the fedora version.
> I cannot install the OSE version as "there is no module for this kernel"

The OSE version doesn't support USB. That's the main difference I think.

> My userneme is mick, mick is a member of mick(500), usb(503), vboxusers(504).
> I have a line in fstab:
> none     /proc/bus/usb     usbfs      devgid=503,devmode=664    0    0

Try commenting out that line. I have no such entry in /etc/fstab and it
works for me.


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