On Fri, 2010-07-09 at 15:18 +0930, Tim wrote:
> A new post button, to write a new message to that group, that wasn't
> an erroneous reply to a prior post.  A feature sadly lacking from mail
> clients when they're working with list mail, that could quite easily
> be added to the toolbar (or an always-there one activated) when a
> message with list details in their headers was selected.

Ironically, a few days ago I reported a minor bug in the Post Message to
List function of Evolution. The bug seems to have gone unnoticed because
no-one ever uses that feature. Of course, not being on the tool bar and
not having a keyboard shortcut probably contribute to that, especially
as the various Reply and New Message variants do have such things.

Going a little OT now:

I also agree with the rest of your post (and see no reason to quote it
in its entirety :-), but I wonder if we're all just rearranging the
deckchairs on the Titanic when it comes to mailing lists. I have the
impression that the whole ml thing is actually a poor man's Usenet,
invented because everyone has mail. Years ago I tried to promote a
(local) News structure in my University as a medium of discussion, and
there was just no way I could get people to use it. The old saying "to a
guy with a hammer, every problem is a nail" applies here. Alternative
mechanisms such as bboards etc. also just didn't cut the mustard because
people are *very* reluctant to learn a new tool unless the benefit to
them (not to the institution) is immediately clear.

So now we're having to consider Facebook, Twitter, you-name-it. Yech.


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