On 07/10/2010 10:45 PM, H.S. wrote:
> On 10-07-11 12:39 AM, JD wrote:
>> I just tested the askmethod after I burned the boot.iso
>> to a 1GB flash stick, and booted it with Virtualbox.
>> At the menu to install/upgrade/boot from local disk.....etc etc..
>> I pressed Tab key and it immediately showed the vmlinux boot line args
>> to which I appended askmethod (of course after a space separator).
>> And it worked exactly as advertised. It asked me for the URL
>> of the installation image.
>> So I have no idea why you should have had any problems.
> I have installed Fedora 13 now, the first login and updates are next.
> But just to verify, I tried booting again with the USB stick with
> askmethod parameter ... and now it works as expected! I have no idea why
> it did not work the first couple of times I tried. I must be doing
> something wrong then.
> BTW, erasing the "vmlinux" line after pressing TAB and replacing it with
> "linux askmethod" does not work, it just gives back the boot choices.
> Regards.
I am sure by the time you are fully comfortable
with everything "F13",
F14 will be coming out :)
So Don't relax too much :)

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