On Sun, Jun 13, 2021 at 09:02:49AM +0800, Ed Greshko wrote:
On 13/06/2021 08:41, Samuel Sieb wrote:
So that gave me the clue that led to the real problem.  The service is included 
in the initrd and masking it on the system doesn't change that.  Even 
re-creating the initrd with dracut after masking didn't change anything.

And also the nm-initrd.service file is in dracut, so you would have to modify 
it there (not the system one) to change this.

FWIW, I had a VM which needed a kernel update.

Prior to the update it had references to systemd-udev-settle.service in the 

I edited /usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/35network-manager/nm-initrd.service  to have


And I installed the latest kernel.


[egreshko@f34x ~]$ systemctl status systemd-udev-settle.service ○ 
     Loaded: masked (Reason: Unit systemd-udev-settle.service is masked.)
     Active: inactive (dead)

And nothing in the logs about systemd-udev-settle

Just a data point, all with the same kernel, 5.12.9-300.fc34:

My reboot times were over 2 minutes.  Systemd-analyze blame showed
systemd-udev-settle.service taking 2+ min.  I then tried to disable
the unit and mask it.  Next I commented the lines noted above.

   Unit state              Appears in systemd-analyze
                             blame   critical-chain

  unchanged                    Y           Y
  disabled&masked              Y           N
  disabled&masked +            N           N
   nm-initrd unit edited

That repeats what others observed. But the reboot time change was dramatic. Here are the top lines of systemd-analyze critical-chain
for the last two reboots above:

  graphical.target @2min 14.541s

  graphical.target @10.072s

Jon H. LaBadie                  jo...@jgcomp.com
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