On Wed, 2010-07-21 at 00:55 -0700, Les wrote:

> I like my systems to be local.  I program them, I explore them, I
> sometimes hack on them with software, hardware, or a combination.  I
> occasionally take one of the off line and use it for a program dump, or
> just to mess with ethernet stuff without impacting my network.
> I have private files on my system, and lots of works in progress.  I
> sometimes do customer work on my systems (if they permit it), and the
> data files, simulation files, pattern files (I test SoC devices) can
> consume up to 20G/device.  They don't compress well, due to the size and
> variety of the data, and I often have device data for 10-12 devices on
> line at a time.  I do not have that all the time, it is "burst work",
> and consumes trememdous amounts of disk space sometimes for hours,
> sometimes for days and in a few cases weeks at a time.
>       A 500G disk is about $200, lasts me an average of 3-5 years, with no
> other costs.  The backup is a similar disk, via a plugin  usb, firewire,
> or sometimes mounted.  Total cost for supporting 5 years data, $400.  A
> cloud system where I use that much bandwidth, and storage runs about
> 3500 for the equivalent usage, and some of the things I do would not be
> permitted by the cloud management for fear I would mess things up, and I
> occasionally do (have you written bugfree programs of any significant
> size?)

I think I've also pointe out that public cloud is expensive. Further,
any cloud environment is too big for just a single user working alone...

>       Moreover you pointed out one of the real issues: month to month rental
> or lease or whatever you want to call it.  And that is not counting the
> connection costs, storage premium if you are a non-standard user, or the
> lack of control, or the subject to search of the on line data because it
> falls under different jurisdictions.  In addition, the security of
> encryption on a server system must by design be reduced in class for any
> given equivalent algorithm on a private system, due to the available
> resources to hack at it.  IT folks love the idea of more control, less
> diversity in program support and all the other control they can
> exercise.  The guys who make a real difference in IP are cost out of the
> equation, because they don't fit the parameter of the "average user".
> In addition the down time becomes universal instead of private.  In a
> time when we are threatened by terrorists, putting your whole
> organizations software and data in a big "basket in the cloud" seems
> like a recipe for disaster.  And it is a disaster that would make the
> financial melt down look tame.  A single EMP weapon could disable or
> destroy multiple companies in a signal region.  A domino economic effect
> that could have catastrophic implications.

See above on the cost issue.

Cloud environments are not single systems like mainframes. And the types
of guys you're talking about that don't fit the average user are 1)
fully capable of having their needs met (in fact I pointed that out in
my example) and 2) believe they contribute much more than they really do
in reality. The only business where I have seen bigger egos and
prima-donnas is the music industry.

...And I think if we're in a situation where EMP is being used, we
probably have much bigger issues going on than system availability in a
commercial or private data center. ...Or are you the one who will be
stepping over people lying on the floor bleeding, racing to get to the
backup tapes?... :)




"You see things as they are and ask, 'Why?'
I dream things as they never were and ask, 'Why not?'"

-- George Bernard Shaw

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