
I've been trying to sync my data today with memotoo, and I keep getting failure notices.

I'm using both the UI as well as the CLI. I'm not sure how to check the error or problem.

When using the CLI, here is my output:
syncevolution --run  --sync refresh-from-local memotoo
[INFO] memo: inactive
[INFO] todo: inactive
[ERROR syncevo-dbus-server] child process quit because of signal 11
[ERROR] The connection is closed

Not knowing if this is material, checking via ps waux:
~> ps waux | grep sync
pyz 4617 0.0 0.3 527156 28108 ? Ssl 15:40 0:00 /usr/libexec/syncevo-dbus-server pyz 4829 0.0 0.0 222024 2088 pts/1 S+ 15:42 0:00 grep --color=auto sync

I can access my data on the memotoo website. It appears to sync with my phone.

I recently upgraded (in the last two weeks) to F37. I don't know if this is the first sync that I have tried since, however.

I have tried posting this message to the syncevolution email list with no reply. I know that there have been some changes to Evolution email lists; I don't know if there has been a spillover to syncevolution.

Any guidance would be appreciated; thank you.

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