On 07/29/2010 12:42 AM, Michael Schwendt wrote:
> On Wed, 28 Jul 2010 16:14:23 -0500, Christofer wrote:
>> What, exactly, is your goal in complaining here that RPM Fusion
>> doesn't have the latest kmods?  What, exactly, are you trying to
>> accomplish?  If it's simply to complain, then please stop.  If the
>> goal is to motivate RPM Fusion to release an appropriate kmod, this is
>> the wrong list for it.
>> If you're having a general issue with installing rpms, feel free to
>> post all you like.  If you're wanting to whine about RPM Fusion,
>> please whine on their list, not this one.
> Unsure whom you refer to with "you" here. Please don't mix the several
> Michaels in this thread. ;)
> *I* haven't complained about any kmods. I've just pointed out that I
> understand why the RPM Fusion web page mentions public/popular Fedora
> discussion places intead of trying to duplicate them all for only
> RPMFusion-specific topics. There may be questions that will be left
> unanswered when asking them in Fedora places, but nothing is wrong with
> that. Sometimes a problem is not understood, because it is unknown or
> not reproducible, and nobody has the time to try to understand a
> confusing/complex question. Complaining endlessly/stubbornly are
> symptoms not specific to RPM Fusion users, btw.
> In the same way, Fedora users also post about application-specific
> issues in Fedora discussion places. And only if something appears to
> be too specific to an app, somebody will suggest looking for app-specific
> support places and trying your luck there.
It's ok as my question was answered.

I don't complain about it I was just asking a question and everyone had 
every answer of why I should not ask this question on a Fedora board.

So it's as simple as this.

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