On Saturday, August 07, 2010 09:49:35 pm g did opine:

> On 08/07/2010 08:30 PM, Bob Goodwin wrote:
> <snip>
> double clicking 1st in list of coax cables, 1671a, produces spec sheet;
> https://edeskv2.belden.com/Products/index.cfm?event=showproductdetail&pa
> rtid=3462
> scrolling down page shows table;
> Nom. Attenuation:
> Freq. (MHz) Attenuation (dB/100 ft.)
>  500          15.0
> 1000          22.2
> 2000          32.8
> 3000          41.2
> 5000          54.9

Those figures are getting really close to being a good dummy load, that is 
like putting in a volt at 2Ghz, and getting a hair over than .0005 volt 
out.  Low loss in this case is only in the mind of the copy writer, whose 
job is to sell the cable.

At 5Ghz, assuming no wrinkles or bends to cause a reflection, it IS a good 
dummy load, with a VSWR so close to 1/1 as to not be detectable without 
some very fancy measuring gear.  The round trip loss of 109.8 db is a dummy 
load even if the far end of the cable is shorted or unconnected.

Cheers, Gene
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