On 08/18/2010 04:10 PM, Aaron Konstam wrote:
> On Wed, 2010-08-18 at 11:28 -0500, Mikkel wrote:
>> Off hand, it looks like you did something like "mke2fs /dev/sdb".
>> While this is valid, it creates a drive without a partition table.
>> This causes problems for the auto-mount software.
>> While you could manually mount a drive set up this way, you are
>> better using parted to create a partition table, a partition that
>> spans the entire drive, and formatting it. You will probably find
>> that one of the GUIs for parted is easier to use. You may have
>> gparted or qtparted installed.
>> Mikkel
> I find pen drives work much better if they are partitioned as windows
> devices, even on fedora.

That is called a DOS partition table. Probably because it was first
used with [MS|PC]DOS. Both fdisk and parted will do this. Parted has
the advantage in that you can format the partition after creating
it, while with fdisk, you have to use another program to do the
formatting. It also makes it harder to format the entire drive as
one file system, wiping out the partition table.


  Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons,
for thou art crunchy and taste good with Ketchup!

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