Bill Davidsen wrote:
> Jon Ingason wrote:
>> I have goggled and not found this problem. Have other same problem with 
>> x86_64 or is there other way to do this without resizing /boot?
> In answer to this specific question, yes there is. You can boot off an FC13 
> install DVD and select the upgrade (1st IIRC) option. Somewhere in the next 
> few 
> screens it will have radio buttons to install or upgrade. Be careful, the 
> default is install (again from memory). You then get the option to select 
> which 
> install to replace (I assume only one), and let it run.
That did not happen when I was trying to upgrade from FC8 to FC13.  
Maybe that was my problem?

Anyway, I've decided to go another route and let's see if this works.

James McKenzie

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