On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 11:33 AM, Wolfgang S. Rupprecht
<wolfgang.ruppre...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Yes, you will need to put each class C network in a separate zone file.
> The above example would need 4 more reverse zone files (in addition to
> the 10.x one in the example).
> The one thing that may not have been explained well enough up to this
> point, is you can only advertise the reverse zone if whoever gave you
> the IP addresses did in fact give you administrative control of the
> whole Class C (or larger) network that they are on.  Eg. if your
> ISP/service-provider assinged you the whole Class C, they will also need
> to take care delegating the in-addr.arpa dns address space to you.  That
> is who the rest of the world knows to ask your nameservers for the dns
> data.  If your service provider only gave you control of one IP address
> on each network, then they are going to want to keep contol of the zone
> file.  In that case they will be the ones to add your hostname to their
> reverse-dns zone file or have some other method of dealing with the
> issue.  There are some hacks to delagate on smaller than a Class C
> boundary.  You will have to ask them how they handle the delagation.

This helps me a lot. Thank you, very much, Wolfgang! ;)
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