Whew!! Finally someone said it for me!  :)
Thank you JB.

On 09/01/2010 05:35 AM, JB wrote:
> Hi,
> SELinux is a bad thing, concept- and design-wise.
> It should be stopped now - it is a waste of resources, a blind alley.
> The Linux community should stop receiving "gifts" (trojan horses) of that
> nature.
> There is no point of maintaining a SELinux-like monster that is on purpose so
> complicated that it excludes all kind of "intruders", be it sys admins or
> users.
> It met rejection by many sys admins and users, thus defeating its own purpose
> to secure our systems.
> You  hear:
> ... we are here to help you ... we will just provide all rules for you ...
> ... "relabel" the system (all you have to do is to reboot your machine)...
> ... you do not have to do anything ... just accept it... Do not worry, be
> happy ! ...
> This idea is so sick - any real sys admin wants to know her machine inside 
> out,
> it is the essence of her job, and to offer her a tool that she should better
> not touch is preposterous. Many users want to have that knowledge too.
> It is also against the free and open software ideals on which the Linux
> community was built.
> The "Relabel on next reboot" is a major design flaw.
>    "Select if you wish to relabel then entire file system on next
>    reboot. Relabeling can take a very long time, depending
>    on the size of the system. If you are changing policy types
>    or going from disabled to enforcing, a relabel is required."
> It is so stupid. A cry to heaven.
> The future is to do away with system restarts:
> - due to kernel update (this is almost done with e.g. kexec in Linux)
> - due to other system or application software updates
> - due to SELinux-like system "relabeling"
> - any other updates
> The top brass of Linux community has by now a life-time experience of "what
> works and what does not" and should be capable of initiating and rethinking
> a new framework for security, for the community and not against it.
> It will have a valuable support of that community.
> Smart people, but sharing a common vision, should dedicate their brain and 
> time
> to it, instead of trying to maintain flawed and impractical software.
> They should build a small group (in the background, far from "noice", far from
> other "influences") to tackle a new concept of it.
> Then selectively enlarge participation to others and Linux community.
> This is my idea of the new security concept:
> - it should be real-time (operating in a background)
> - it should be modular in the sense of traditional small, single function, and
>    stand-alone UNIX utilities
> - it has to be simple to be acceptable and understandable by all sys admins 
> and
>    users of UNIX/Linux systems
> - it should be configurable:
>      - by sys admin and user (selectively)
>      - at any time
>      - dynamically
> - it should show various diagnostics (alarms) in real-time, but never 
> interfere
>    with or prevent a program from execution.
>    At least that should be a default behavior.
> - it should not interfere with / try to undo any present and standard
>    UNIX/Linux system security measures
> - it should be supplementary to existing UNIX/Linux system security
> - it should be self-contained, installable and removable at any time, without
>    influencing the system
> I am sure others will add to and extend it, but in the spirit of improvement.
> JB
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