On 09/15/2010 01:34 PM, JD wrote:
> On 09/15/2010 10:34 AM, Michael Miles wrote:
>> Alex wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>>>> How can I play FLAC audio files on FC13? MPlayer and Rythmbox don't
>>>>> seem to support them?
>>>> Yes they do, what errors are you seeing when you run mplayer from the
>>>> commandline maybe paste the output of
>>>> mplayer -v<the flac file I want to play>
>>> Okay, my mistake. I was trying to select the contents of the folder
>>> instead of the folder name, ugh.
>>> Need more caffeine.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Alex
>> Although Mplayer and Rythmbox do support Flac give VLC a try.
>> I use it for ALL Media
> Rhythmbox does not support flac. I just tried it.
> vlc, xine, mplayer (and variants like smplayer, kmplayer)
> do indeed play flac

It uses the gstreamer plugins

Install gstreamer-plugins-good

While you're at it, it wouldn't hurt to install gstreamer-plugins-bad
and gstreamer-plugins-ugly, too.

-- Steve
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