Hi Ryan,

On Friday 01 October 2010 17:35:27 Ryan Braun [ADS] wrote:
> I've got some scripts I use to build .debs for etch/lenny and karmic.
Cool, as of now I use the 
 # checkinstall -D
which is an interactive command-line program to create .deb

> I
> haven't updated them to lucid (I'm not even sure if I finished adding the
> deps for all of karmic).  But they're pretty straight forward.
If you can post them in list, I'll appreciate;)

A nice thing should be to bridge this mailing list to the ubunto launchpad 
to give a continuous ubuntu  support  to 389org.

Who's willing to create/join a group?


Roberto Polli
Babel S.r.l. - http://www.babel.it
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