2010/11/11 Tim <ignored_mail...@yahoo.com.au>

> Linuxguy123 wrote:
> >>> It seems as though www.linuxhomepage.com is dead and gone.
> Tim:
> >> It loads nice and fast here, in Australia.  Though, Firefox complains
> >> that it wants to refresh the page, endlessly.
> Manuel Escudero:
> > Well, I know how to solve your problem, try loading this link into any
> > browser and the page is gonna load for you:
> > http://calyphrox2.appspot.com/www.linuxhomepage.com/
> Nope, that's exactly the same.  It wants to endlessly reload.  Every
> time the page loads, I have a warning "Firefox prevented this page from
> automatically reloading."  And I can leave the page at it's initial
> load, and read the halted page, or it allow the reload.  Every time I
> allow the reload, it comes up with the exact same warning.  It never
> just loads once.
> I have a configuration that stops pages refreshing themselves, because
> I'm sick to death of reading pages that suddenly start reloading
> themselves while I'm in the middle of reading them.  Or, they do so
> while I'm reading another tab, and the whole browser jams up until it
> completes.
> I can't see why your link is doing so.  There's no *obviously* *short*
> timespan meta refresh crap (likewise with the original), or JavaScript.
> But I don't care what the reason is, so-called webmasters who do that
> crap deserve a good caning with a flayed bamboo pole.
> --
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So the Calyphrox Link worked? (What I did was passing the webpage trough
Calyphrox Webproxy via it's API)
Calyphrox is the best webproxy server out there, check it out at:
http://www.calyphrox.tk/ Amm, and if you want
to see the page without a proxy, try another browser, via Chrome I was able
to see it without problems :)

<-Manuel Escudero->
Linux User #509052
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