
I started out to do something I though should be fairly easy but I have
been at it all evening.

I am trying to burn some data files to DVD as a backup.  Here is the
problem as far as I can tell.  Brasero from root won't burn the files
directly but wants to turn them into an .iso.

I have a backup partition on which I keep my personal backups as well as
files and directories owned by root such as /etc.  I was getting ready
to upgrade to Fedora 14.  I decided that there was only some of my
backup files I wanted to further back up to a DVD disk. The total size
fits on one disk. Brasero will back up personal files but won't back up
root's files.  If I su or sudo brasero and try it from there, brasero
wants to create /root/brasero.iso.  Same happens with the other command
line burny-thingy-automatic program that goes with Nautilus. (I can
never remember it's name).

The manual is silent on why root and user files won't mix or on how to
burn root files.  Plus several annoying things happen with unwanted
programs popping up when using brasero and inserting discs.

Regards Bill
Fedora 13, Gnome 2.30.2
Evo.2.20.2, Emacs 23.2.1

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