ma, 2010-11-29 kello 01:13 +1030, Tim kirjoitti:
> On Sat, 2010-11-27 at 20:52 -0800, Patrick Bartek wrote:
> > I think the primary reason Windows users stay with Windows, even
> > though they constantly complain about its shortcomings, is it's
> > familiar, and they dread learning something different.
> Not to mention lock-in.  You have this data that's only directly, or
> practically, usable with your particular software.  To change to another
> OS, you have to transfer, and probably, convert your data, and that
> process might be lossy/messy/lengthy/expensive.

On practice there's a combination of the two above reasons. Windowz
people are often asking "will it be possible to open all my stuff from
documents? I have a bunch of word and excel documents on disk D:\..."
And when hearing the answer the second reason appears the scene: "Uhh!
You say openoffice? It's so unhandy!" And when I hearing it from
scientific crowd (who have to write article, reports, these, etc.) I
always ask them have they ever heard of LaTeX? It's a funny question
because I work in a polymer industry :-)
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