Nalin Dahyabhai writes:
> On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 04:37:05PM -0500, Dick St. Peters wrote:
> > The ltrace output in /tmp/Xorg.out has 176 calls to memmove(), all
> > with five arguments, like this example:
> > 
> >     memmove(0xa352c50, 0xa3535e0, 1648, 0x806892f, 0x40001c)
> > 
> > Can anyone shed some light on what is going on here?  The first three
> > arguments appear to be the usual three memmove() arguments: dest, src,
> > and count.  The extra two aren't documented anywhere I can find, and
> > memmove() has always been a three-argument function.
> It looks to me as though ltrace just doesn't "know" how many arguments
> memmove() takes, and this can be fixed with a quick change to
> /etc/ltrace.conf.  I went ahead and opened bug #658311 about it.

Thank you for the explanation.  I'm relieved that there is one.

I didn't know ltrace got the arg counts and types from a conf file,
but I see /etc/ltrace.conf is mentioned in the ltrace man page.

Now I can go back to pursuing why /usr/bin/Xorg dies.

Dick St. Peters, 
Gatekeeper, NetHeaven, Saratoga Springs, NY
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