Joachim Backes wrote:

> having the following question: sometimes it happens that after an
> upgrade of a Fedora-x to a Fedora-y, the Fedora-y does not run correctly
> (there may be a lot of reasons for this...). So going back to a running
> system, but how to achieve this?
> So my question (or proposal): it would be very helpful if an upgrade
> could be done to a new partition (including copying all imporant files
> from the Fedora to be updated). This would save oneself a lot of backups
> and restores.

I always do exactly that.
Nb I keep separate /home and /boot partitions,
which I don't format when upgrading.
(I choose the Custom Upgrade choice,
not the disastrously bad default which re-partitions your machine.)

I found remarkably little needed to be changed after this
when upgrading from Fedora-13 to Fedora-14.
Most of the relevant config files are kept in one's home directory.

As you say, this should be a standard part of Fedora,
since nearly everyone nowadays has enough space
for two Fedora systems on different partitions.

Timothy Murphy  
e-mail: gayleard /at/
tel: +353-86-2336090, +353-1-2842366
s-mail: School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland

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