On 12/24/10, Marko Vojinovic <vvma...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wednesday 22 December 2010 17:07:46 David Liguori wrote:
>> I'm surprised no one has suggested this so far as I've read so I will,
>> but if one is really interested in learning about how the hardware works
>> the most obvious place to start is "assembly" or "machine" language.
> Well, it actually was suggested before:
>   http://www.spinics.net/linux/fedora/fedora-users/msg387760.html
> There were also others that mentioned assembly afterwards, but I cannot
> bother
> now to dig out all those posts... :-)
> But as I said in that previous post, you don't want to *start* learning
> programming with assembly, but rather to *end* it with assembly.
> It gives you a hardware-level perspective on what happens inside a computer,
> and that is *not* a perspective any beginner should start with. If I
> understood correctly what OP wants, assembly is the ultimate answer to his
> wish to understand how programs actually run inside a computer. But in order
> to properly grasp the idea, he needs quite some experience in higher-level
> languages.
> It's a long road of abstraction from "point&click" GUI to a sequence of
> assembly instructions that are actually being executed. As the OP has no
> experience in higher levels of programming, it would be hard for him to have
> a
> reasonable overview of that whole road just by looking at assembly. I would
> rather prefer the top-down approach than the bottom-up approach in this
> case.
> So the OP should start with, say, python, than advance to C, and then he may
> take a look at assembly. The OO and functional languages can be dealt with
> afterwards if he wishes to know about them.
>> You don't actually write machine code but rather, "nenomics" that
>> correspond to it.
> It's spelled "mnemonics".
> Best, :-)
> Marko

With all due respect.

I disagree..

Start at the bottom and work up.

To learn assembly you need to understand the architecture of the chip.
 This understanding of chip design and then execution codes will give
a great base to start with.



Marvin J. Kosmal

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